Welcome Back!

Sorry for the delay in posting, I guess I put this little project on the back-burner for a while. Things have been a little backed up around here lately due to the flu bug during Christmas, and now my never-ending flu symptoms that keep me moving slowly most of the day.
Our Christmas turned out as well as could be expected given that Jesson came down with the flu on Christmas Eve at 10:00 p.m. losing his lunch until he finally slept soundly at 3:00 a.m.. The following morning, as Scott and I dragged ourselves to the coffee maker, he bounded around the house like nothing had ever happened. He managed to open all of his presents and had some dry breakfast.
After a long nap we decided to head to the farm to celebrate with the McNally's, convinced that it must have been something he ate. As usual the food was amazing and it was wonderful to see everyone. Jesson had a good lunch but woke from his nap with a high fever and could do little more than lay around. We had to cut our evening short and headed to the comfort of our own beds.
On boxing day we were due to arrive at the lake to visit with my side of the family and had already phoned to say we wouldn't be there when Jesson seemed to bounce back AGAIN. After he yelled at me for not letting him have candy for lunch, we decided he was healthy enough to make the trip to the lake. On the way there, Scott started to complain about his stomache and within hours of arriving he was bed-ridden where he stayed for most of the two day visit with the flu as well. This is year #2 for Scott and the flu! Despite how ill he felt, Scott did manage to open his gifts and snap a few pictures. By the day we left, he had a little food in him finally too. It was nice to see Mom, Dad, and my sister and her family from Alberta again.
Over Christmas I ate so often I don't think my stomache had a chance to think about morning sickness, it was never empty. Once we got home, and after I had told everyone it must be a girl because I'd hardly been sick at all(woops), I was hit hard from morning until night. I was starting to get a little depressed about it, when my OB/GYN told me that it's the women who say they have little to no negative pregnancy side effects who usually miscarry. Now I feel a little better about my numerous daily trips down the hall. It's all for a good cause, and it won't last forever(although it feels like it might some days).
All in all, we managed to accomplish almost everything we planned to during our Christmas break. Scott didn't get a chance to go snowmobiling while we were at the lake, and we hadn't planned on passing the flu to as many people as we did either (SO sorry Sarah, Kendell, and Grampa Nicholetts[Uncle Norman too]). But we'll hope everyone is healthy for next year and if we have the flu again, I think we'll just keep it to ourselves and stay home.
We hope your Christmas was all you hoped it would be. Keep in touch!