Sincere Congratulations to our Dear Friend Shane Betts on his recent engagement. Shane was only with us for a couple of years, then the RCMP took him away again (not in the back of the car either). While he was here he won our hearts with his sincere, caring ways and his social personality. He was able to hold his beer (except those lemon ones), but could not hold his junk food when it came to a match with me one late night on patrol. Remember the tree by the school in Harris Shane?
The soon-to-be Mrs. must be someone REALLY special because he's an aweful picky guy when it comes to his "best girl". We hope some day to be able to meet her, but Moncton, NB is quite a hike from here. I'm sure she's wonderful and she's got herself a great guy. A man that's true to his word, even when it means fulfilling a promise to finish the 6 month old lemon beer he left in our fridge before he left town. What a guy!
We sure do miss you Shane, and we're thrilled you've found Mrs. Right. Keep us posted on your plans and send us pictures of all the little ones ;-). Take Care of yourselves, OK?