Jesson is still our little bossy-pants. He likes to count his Mom & Dad into time-outs and I've actually sat in one when he caught me saying a naughty word - fair is fair! He's got an amazing imagination and if he can't find the right toy or prop to go along with his story he'll show me where the imaginary one is so I don't step on it. I should be writing down the stories he comes up with, they're priceless. Scooby Doo Mysteries and Star Trek play large parts as sources for his story material so you can imagine the twisted story lines. He keeps me in stitches most of the day!
Jesson "graduated" from his first term of Playschool in mid-December with the rest of our family in attendance. Jesson's class had a Christmas party complete with crafts, Santa and presents. The kids sang in a "concert" which lasted only a few minutes but was absolutely adorable. We got the whole thing on film but Jesson was too busy through most of the concert to sing with the other kids. Now that he's had his ears and adenoids fixed, perhaps he'll be able to concentrate a little more effectively in his next term.
Jesson is a little of a wild child. He regularly tests our patience and pushes buttons to see what happens. On the flip side, he loves to see us smile and enjoys our positive reaction when he's done what we ask. He likes to sneak up and kiss me to make me smile too. He's a jokester and gets a kick out of putting rubber spiders on me (I hate spiders) or sneaking into a room and yelling to scare me, which gets him tickled.
Jesson wants more than anything for his little brother to play with him, his way of course, and as badly as Conor wants to be big, he's not quite there yet. The squeals of joy we hear when the boys do find common ground bring a huge smile to our faces, we could watch them for hours - if only the common play lasted that long. For now he's stuck playing hide-and-seek and telling stories to Mom & Dad. He's a sweet little boy with a yearning to please and an Irish temper to boot.